Thursday 3 March 2016

Assignment III: Describing an Animal or a Person

Dear students,

In chapter 5 you learned about how to describe an animal or a person . Now it is the time for you to describe your favorite animal, your pet at home, one of your family members or relatives, or a good friends of yours. You may need to apply certain sentence elements, such as: There is/are and have/has. If possible, put a picture of the animal or the person you are describing.

The deadline of your posting is Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 23.59 pm. You also need to post your comment on one of your friends' postings.

Good luck!

Assignment II: Describing a City

Dear students,

In chapter 3 you learned about a country and a city. Now it is the time for you to describe a city where you ever lived, or you ever visited, your hometown, or the city you live in now.

The deadline of your posting is Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 23.59 pm. You also need to post your comment on one of your friends' postings.
Good luck!

Thursday 18 February 2016

Assignment I:Your Own Funny Story

Dear students,

In chapter 2 you learned about funny stories. Now it is the time for you to share your funny experience you ever did, or you saw other people (your friend, brother, sister, etc) did something funny, or you may make up your own funny story.

The deadline of your posting is Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 23.59 pm. You also need to post your comment on one of your friends' stories.
Good luck!

Wednesday 17 February 2016

An Example of a Reflection about Netiquette

Dear students,

Let me give you an example of what you need to write about what you've read on Netiquette.
I found something useful in Rule 5: Make yourself look good online. It says "You will, however, be judged by the quality of your writing. For most people who choose to communicate online, this is an advantage; if they didn't enjoy using the written word, they wouldn't be there. So spelling and grammar do count".
It reminds me to be careful on what I write online. Not only must it be beneficial for the readers but also it must be correct in spelling and grammar". It's a good thing for me to re-read what I have written before I hit the Send button. People who read my articles will judge me based on what they read and see on it. Thus, I have to be more careful.
Please read the other rules and write what you've learned from one of those rules and what you would do in the future about it.  You must read other posting and put your comment on it.

Monday 25 January 2016


Wherever we live, there are certain rules that we have to understand and obey. We now live in the digital era. It also has rules, commonly known as netiquette, that we have to follow. Please click the link about netiquette on the right column and write what new information that you get from it.
You also need to comment on one of your friends' blog. Say whether you also get new things from his or her post.